Health Benefits Gained from Pour over Coffee
For a long time now, coffee has been analyzed for its negative effects that revolve around its blood pressure and heart rate raising effect, its impact on indigestion, and denying the users a good sleep but scientists have also researched on its benefits and have come up with benefits from its brain-boosting ability, detractor and its anti-oxidation properties. Just like all the other coffee types, portable pour over coffee has the benefits expounded on below.
The first benefit is that coffee is a great source of antioxidants which are 1000 in number in the unprocessed beans, and then increase by hundreds to a number that exceed those in cocoa and green tea, which are at the top of antioxidant providers. The antioxidants are significant in preventing cardiovascular diseases and fighting against inflammation by neutralizing radicals occurring freely during metabolism which cause oxidative stress, a main cause of inflammation hence fighting chronic conditions brought by inflammation such as cancer, atherosclerosis and arthritis.
Pour over coffee, such as Kuju coffee, is a warrior against any threats of cognitive decline in addition to its ability to boost an individual’s memory and brain activity, by fighting off the Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, which was proved by a study that showed that three cups of coffee daily reduces their chance of occurrence by 65%. The caffeine in coffee is involved in this where it blocks beta-amyloid plaque from building up that aid in the progression of Alzheimer’s but scientists take it as a theoretical factor of lowering the risk of dementia.
Thirdly, Kuju’s pour over coffee is also advantageous due to its high level of caffeine which has been proved to increase the short term memory boost by a scientist in Austria, who found a surge in brain activity after administering a 100 milligram dose to volunteers, and using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imagery to make the observations and draw conclusions. Results from the FMRI scan showed that the caffeine surged activity of the parts of the brain that are involved in memory and concentration management, which increased the short term memory, which is not clear how long it lasts but vary from person to person.
The last benefit you may experience of a result of taking pour over coffee is that of reducing depression where studies have proved that people who take coffee regularly have up to 20% lower chance of getting depressed, hence proving a reverse relationship between coffee drinking and depression. Although scientists have not yet come up with a direct relationship between depression and coffee levels, it is proved that caffeine activates the neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which control the mood of the individual.