How Human Touch can Impact on Alzheimer’s Patients
Taking care of Alzheimer’s patient is never easy. The treatment of this disease focuses much on ensuring a high quality of life because a cure has not yet been found. Although you might be doing your best, at times you can feel that your efforts are not making much difference. Nevertheless, touch is one of the interventions that can make a great change in the life of an Alzheimer patient. The ability of human touch has been revealed in a number of studies. It is the first sense developed by fetus and infants. Contrary to other people’s thinking, touch becomes more powerful and important as people grow older. Here is how touch can impact on Alzheimer’s patients.
A simple hug from a person close to you does not just put you on a good mood but also protects you from certain infections. According to some experiments it was found that hugging can help in preventing sicknesses in individuals suffering from stress. Some of the physical health benefits associated with the power of touch include Improved pain, decreased blood pressure and lowered hear rates.
Communication channels can easily open through the power of touch. One of the major challenge suffered by Alzheimer’s patients is the inability to connect with other people. As their memory fade and language ability deteriorate, the more they develop communication issues. Touch is considered a very powerful communication tool. It helps individuals to communicate feelings.
Touch has the ability to reduce the effects of depression and anxiety. People living with Alzheimer’s go through major changes in their lifestyle. They may no longer be able to carry out certain routine activities on their own and may be forced to depend on other people’s support. These changes often cause depression and anxiety. There is a study that was conducted to determine the correlation between agitated behavior in Alzheimer’s patients and frequent therapeutic touch. It was realized that there was less agitation in patients who get regular touch therapy. The reason is that touch releases oxytocin hormone which helps in developing a feeling of happiness and well-being. Massage has also been associated with the reduction of stress levels in the body.
When caring for Alzheimer’s patients, there are many thongs you will need to do that involve physical touch. Some of them are tying shoes, cleaning up and also dressing up. Above the essentials, providing meaningful touch fosters a stronger connection. There are various ways of achieving and they include hugging, massage, beauty treatments, touching of the arms, and hand contact. However, it is important to mind the boundaries and ensure that the patient needs the touch.